about us.

about us.

How We Met: 

Last summer, I fulfilled my life-long dream of becoming an EFY counselor. Not only was I excited that I was going to have this opportunity, but I was absolutely thrilled when I found out that EFY was sending me to Tacoma, Washington for 3 weeks. I had lived in Washington when I was younger and had so many fond memories there so I could hardly wait to go back.
The week prior to boarding the plane, I had spent my second week doing EFY in Provo. That session ended on Saturday around 9am and then I had to board the shuttle to go to the airport around 12. I decided to try to hurry home to do laundry and pack. Unfortunately, I ran out of time to fully dry my clothes, but I had to leave so I wouldn't miss the shuttle. I quickly shoved all of my wet clothes into my carry-on and headed out.
Once we got to the airport, there were only about 7 of us there out of the 40+ people that were supposed to go to Tacoma. Since there weren't a ton of people, I rushed to the bathroom to try and use the hand dryer to get my clothes at least a little more dry. After about an hour of people staring at me like I was crazy, I headed back to the gate. While I was gone, a bunch more counselors had arrived and that was the first time I saw Kline.
I remember seeing him and thinking "he's kind of cute", but I didn't really talk to him or anything because I really wasn't that interested in meeting anybody right then. I was more focused on boarding the plane, but he was right behind me in line and I think we said maybe 2 words to each other before getting on the plane.
We finally landed at the Seattle airport, but when we did- nobody knew where to go or what to do. I guess the counselors who knew what to do were coming on a different plane later on. Our group of counselors stood around for a while like a couple of deer in the headlights and finally I decided to take charge. I found a map and tried to figured out where to go. Once I started doing this, Kline quickly joined in and helped try to lead the pack. As we tried to navigate this foreign airport, we started talking and getting to know each other.
Luckily, we finally figured out where to go and from then on Kline stuck with me. We had about an hour to waste before the other plane of counselors arrived so we decided to start exploring. We talked, laughed, and found different brochures of things to do in Seattle.
Once the other plane arrived, we boarded the bus and Kline asked me if I wanted to sit with him. From then on, we were always together throughout those 3 weeks. I guess you could say that we started talking and never stopped. The rest is history.

The Proposal: 

We had just returned from the most magical place on earth (aka Disney Land). It had been such a fun trip and we were so happy to have spent a whole week in California. Kline is pretty much always happy, but that day he seemed even more happy and giddy than normal. I couldn't figure out why, but just figured that he was still in a good mood from being in California.
Later that day, there was a big rain storm approaching and we thought that it would be fun to go up to the mountains and watch the storm from our car. We packed a ton of blankets and made a comfy spot to watch the storm. We laid there just talking and listening to the rain when Kline suddenly said "can I see your phone real quick?". I said "umm sure? why?". He replied, "just real quick, I just want to see something." So I hesitantly gave him my phone. I watched as he clicked my Pinterest app and scrolled to my engagement ring board (a board I thought no one knew about). I kept saying "what are you doing? what the heck?". He calmly said, "so which one is your favorite?". In complete shock, I just kept repeating, "what are you talking about? why are you on this board?". He just smiled and explained that he realized that he wanted to be with me forever and was ready to take that next step. I was almost in tears and just kept exclaiming "are you serious?". He then told me that he wanted to talk to my dad first, but that we could start ring shopping tomorrow.
When he took me home that night, I couldn't even sleep because I was in so much shock. He didn't want to tell people yet since he hadn't officially proposed, but I was so giddy that I think I told at least 20 people (sorry, Kline).
The next day, Kline picked me up from work and said with a smile, "Guess what? I just called your dad. Do you want to go ring shopping?" So that day we went ring shopping and we did so for the next 2 days. We finally found the perfect ring and decided to buy it. However, the ring salesman informed us that it would take 3 weeks for the ring to be ready. Kline was devastated and pulled the man into another room to privately discuss the exact day that the ring would be ready. I was pretty sad that we would have to wait that long, but there wasn't much I could do about it.
When Kline came over to my apartment the next day, he asked if I wanted to do a winter photoshoot with our friends Briton and Aspen. I firmly told him no, that I had no desire to do a photoshoot on a cold, wintery day. He convinced me to at least be the photographer for Briton and Aspen's photoshoot instead. So off we went into the woods up by the mountains.
It was a beautiful day for pictures and I was actually really excited to take pictures of our friends. Halfway into taking pictures, Kline took my hand and walked me down to this little grove of trees. As I looked up, I noticed that someone had strung a bunch of pictures in the trees and put some roses and a blanket underneath. Completely unaware, I said "Oh cute! Someone got proposed to here!" Kline just smiled and kept walking me towards the grove of trees. That was when I noticed that the pictures were pictures of us. I exclaimed "Wait, those are pictures of me! What the heck?" There was a note that had my name on it and Kline told me to read it. I picked it up and he had written a cute poem, with the phrase at the end being "I just have one more thing to ask... please say I do." When I read that aloud, Kline got on one knee and I just kept saying "what the heck? how do you have the ring? what the heck?". Finally, I remembered that I needed to say yes or no, so I quickly exclaimed "yes!!!"
It turns out that Kline had talked the salesman into letting him borrow the store model of our ring and I was allowed to wear it until my real ring came in. I was completely surprised and didn't see it coming at all. He got me good, that's for sure!

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