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Saturday, September 30, 2017

{Fall}ing in Love

In case you didn't know, Fall is my most favorite season! I LOVE the changing leaves, the crisp air, sweaters, pumpkin-flavored everything, hayrides, scary movies, Halloween. I could go on forever! Another one of my very favorite things is October General Conference. There is really nothing better than curling up in a blanket with my journal and hot chocolate to hear the talks of the great individuals of our church. This year, we snuggle in our new apartment and watched these faithful people speak. After the Saturday Morning session ended, Kline suggested that we go for a scenic drive and I was SO glad that he did. We spent the rest of the morning driving through Provo Canyon past the most beautiful color-changing trees I've ever seen. We ended up missing the afternoon session of Conference because we lost track of time while enjoying the scenery and taking many pictures. This weekend just proved to me even more that I am in love with Fall. And my cute husband.

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