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Monday, August 21, 2017

Honeymoon: See Ya Later, Alligator!

Although we were sad to leave our ship, we were so excited to spend some time in New Orleans. We had planned a few extra days to stay and explore "the big easy". Neither of us had been to New Orleans before so we had researched all the fun things to do and were just so ecstatic to explore!

We spent our two days in New Orleans going on a swamp tour, exploring the National World War 2 museum, trying gumbo and jambalaya, eating beignets at Cafe Du Monde, going on a haunted ghost tour of the city and just wandering the streets in general.

New Orleans is such a fun and unique city! There are so many fun things to do there and we would definitely go there again. We seriously had such a blast.


We went to church while we were here and the church building is so unique and beautiful!

Honeymoon: Hola Mexico!

Our last country stop on the cruise was to Cozumel, Mexico! I had never been to Mexico, so I was super excited. We had not really planned any activities to do while in Mexico, as we had planned to mostly just explore and relax. However, once we got off of the ship, we found out that we could rent an electric scooter for a very low price.

While the company was getting our paperwork ready, we found a taco stand with fresh tacos that were being sold out of some man's truck. I was hesitant at first, but I ended up getting a taco anyways and loved it!

Scootering around Cozumel was definitely my favorite day of the whole trip. The weather was perfect and the island was absolutely beautiful. We tried to go to a free public beach, but only stayed for a few minutes before we were on our way again. It was such a fun day and we even found some super cheap souvenirs to bring home. Overall, I LOVED Cozumel and it was most definitely my favorite day.

Honeymoon: You Better Belize It!

Our second stop was the beautiful country of Belize. This was a unique stop because the ship is not able to dock at the shore. So, the ship anchored in the middle of the sea a couple hundred feet away from the shore and then we were put on little boats to head towards land.

Once on land, we had planned on going cave tubing. We found our company, loaded the bus and took a beautiful scenic drive out to the countryside of Belize.

Cave tubing was definitely a unique experience, but super cool at the same time! It was one of our favorite activities that we did during our trip for sure. After tubing, lunch was provided from a local woman. She made us homemade tamales and they were SO GOOD.

Honeymoon: First Stop, Honduras!

After three fun days at sea, our ship docked at the beautiful country of Honduras! It was so fun to watch the ship approach land since all we had seen for the past three days was ocean. As we approached, we even saw an old shipwreck at the front of the island. I was pretty surprised at how green Honduras was. It was definitely more of a jungle-type feel than I had expected.

We quickly got off of the boat and proceeded to what we had planned for that day -- ziplining! We found the man from the company and he lead us to the back of an old pickup truck. I have to say, I was a little nervous since most other people were boarding fancy coach buses or mini-vans. We waited for the other members of our group, but they didn't end up coming so we were the only ones on the tour that day!

The truck led us through the busy town of Roatan and we got to see how the locals lived there. It was fun to drive by and get a glance of the different fruit stands and signs written in Spanish.

I had never really been zip-lining before, but I ended up having a blast. The tour guide taught us how to go upside down and even go on our stomachs. The tour didn't last too long, so we actually ended up walking around Carnival's beach and exploring some of their shops. Kline even found a type of food that he recognized from his mission and got a fresh mango along the way.

Honeymoon: Crusin' Along

After one of the BEST days of our entire lives, we woke up the next morning bright and EARLY (I'm talking 3am) to get on a shuttle to the airport. We had to leave so early because we needed to be on our ship before 2pm that day. So we flew to New Orleans and made it just in time to board the ship at 12:30pm.

We decided to go on a cruise because we found a really great deal and we realized that we could go to three different countries throughout the course of seven days. If I were to do it again, I would definitely still do a cruise. It is so nice because all of the food and activities are provided 24/7 and you can really just relax and enjoy your vacation.

We were also SO lucky because we had originally planned to pay for our own honeymoon, but my parents insisted on upgrading our room as part of their wedding present to us. They upgraded us to the "spa room", which we found out means that you get unlimited spa access and get comfier towels and bedding than other rooms. PLUS, we had our own deck overlooking the ocean. We were definitely spoiled. We ended up getting up early every day to drink hot chocolate on our porch. Then we would put on our swimsuits and head down to the spa! The spa had this AMAZING room where there were two heated chairs overlooking the ocean. No one was ever in that room as early as we were, so we brought our books and just enjoyed the peaceful serenity. Pure bliss.

There were so many different things to do on our ship. We were a little worried at first because we were scheduled to have three days "at sea" before we reached our first destination. We quickly learned that the ship had so many fun things to offer. So we spent our time seeing shows (SO fun), eating yummy food, sunbathing by the pool, taking cheesy pictures, eating more ice cream than I've ever eaten in my entire life, joining dance parties and enjoying some of the most beautiful sunsets we had ever seen.