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Monday, August 21, 2017

Honeymoon: Crusin' Along

After one of the BEST days of our entire lives, we woke up the next morning bright and EARLY (I'm talking 3am) to get on a shuttle to the airport. We had to leave so early because we needed to be on our ship before 2pm that day. So we flew to New Orleans and made it just in time to board the ship at 12:30pm.

We decided to go on a cruise because we found a really great deal and we realized that we could go to three different countries throughout the course of seven days. If I were to do it again, I would definitely still do a cruise. It is so nice because all of the food and activities are provided 24/7 and you can really just relax and enjoy your vacation.

We were also SO lucky because we had originally planned to pay for our own honeymoon, but my parents insisted on upgrading our room as part of their wedding present to us. They upgraded us to the "spa room", which we found out means that you get unlimited spa access and get comfier towels and bedding than other rooms. PLUS, we had our own deck overlooking the ocean. We were definitely spoiled. We ended up getting up early every day to drink hot chocolate on our porch. Then we would put on our swimsuits and head down to the spa! The spa had this AMAZING room where there were two heated chairs overlooking the ocean. No one was ever in that room as early as we were, so we brought our books and just enjoyed the peaceful serenity. Pure bliss.

There were so many different things to do on our ship. We were a little worried at first because we were scheduled to have three days "at sea" before we reached our first destination. We quickly learned that the ship had so many fun things to offer. So we spent our time seeing shows (SO fun), eating yummy food, sunbathing by the pool, taking cheesy pictures, eating more ice cream than I've ever eaten in my entire life, joining dance parties and enjoying some of the most beautiful sunsets we had ever seen.

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