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Saturday, December 2, 2017

It's Beginning to Look at Lot Like Christmas

Temple Square at Christmastime is one of my most favorite places. The lights and all the decorations just feel so magical. So I was very excited when Kline planned a group date with his friends to walk through the lights and get some dinner.

We went with our friends Briton, Aspen, Jun and Zephra. We spent the first part of the night eating dinner at JB's and then spent the rest of the night walking around the square and taking tons of pictures. It definitely put us in the Christmas spirit.

Ever since I was a little girl, I have always dreamed of having a boy take me on a date to the Temple Square lights. Well, lucky for me, I have the cutest boy ever to take me to see the lights for eternity now! I am the luckiest girl in the world.

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