about us.

Friday, December 29, 2017

I'll Be Home for Christmas

We decided that we are going to switch which family we spend Christmas with each year. This year, it was my family's turn and so we packed up our bags and headed to good ole- Missoura.

It was such a fun trip. I loved getting to spend time with my family, catch up with old friends, stuff my face with Panera broccoli cheddar soup, watch Kline sing in my ward choir, visit the City Museum, play with my dog and show off my hometown to Kline.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

A Very Salt Lake Christmas

It's no secret that being in Salt Lake City during Christmastime is one of my most favorite things! I just love the beautiful lights and the sweet Spirit I feel as I am reminded of the joy of the Savior's birth.

When Kline asked me what I wanted for Christmas, I told him that the only present that I wanted was a date to eat at The Roof restaurant. So that's what we did. I have never been so stuffed in my entire life. The buffet was full of creme brulee, crab legs, shrimp, chicken cordon bleu, roast and everything you could ever dream of. To top it off, our seats were right by the best view in the house! We were seated right by the giant window and could see the temple perfectly, as well as the lights. Seriously, such a magical night.

We actually headed back up to Salt Lake City the very next night because we had gotten tickets to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas concert. We had gotten 4 tickets and so we decided to take Kline's grandparents with us. We were running super late because of some bad traffic, so we ate a quick meal at McDonalds and then ran to the Conference Center to find our seats. Kline and I had the BEST seats. We were on the floor and could see the stage perfectly. The dancers that danced through the aisles were dancing right next to us and it was just so fun. Sutton Foster was the guest artist and she is one of my very favorite people. She did such an amazing job and we both agreed that this year's Christmas concert was the best one we've ever been to.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Tate Christmas Card 2017

One of the best traditions of the Christmas season, in my opinion, is sending and receiving Christmas cards. I think it's so fun to get a ton of cards in the mail and, now that I have my own little family, I can send out my own to everyone else.

Lucky for us, my cousin Hannah is an amazing photographer and so I asked her if she would do a little winter photoshoot for us. The pictures turned out AMAZING and it was so hard to choose which picture to use for our cards. 

Saturday, December 2, 2017

It's Beginning to Look at Lot Like Christmas

Temple Square at Christmastime is one of my most favorite places. The lights and all the decorations just feel so magical. So I was very excited when Kline planned a group date with his friends to walk through the lights and get some dinner.

We went with our friends Briton, Aspen, Jun and Zephra. We spent the first part of the night eating dinner at JB's and then spent the rest of the night walking around the square and taking tons of pictures. It definitely put us in the Christmas spirit.

Ever since I was a little girl, I have always dreamed of having a boy take me on a date to the Temple Square lights. Well, lucky for me, I have the cutest boy ever to take me to see the lights for eternity now! I am the luckiest girl in the world.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Oh Christmas Tree

Kline has been SO excited about getting our very own fresh-cut Christmas tree. I think he was mostly just excited to cut it down, but I was also excited because I love the smell of fresh trees. So we decided to buy a permit to cut one down in Ephraim Canyon.

Looking back, I think that we thought we cut a fairly big tree. However, after looking at these pictures, our tree looks so funny on Kline's car roof. It looks pretty small, but that is honestly the only size of tree that would have fit in our little apartment. Haha! We took our friends Zane and Piper with us, so it was a pretty fun day to search for a little tree for our little home.

Friday, October 13, 2017

1st Annual Tate Family Halloween Bash

Ever since I was a little girl, I always had a dream of hosting my very own Halloween party. Once I got married, I realized that this could finally become a reality. Thus, the Annual Tate Family Halloween Bash was born! Since our apartment is super small and this was our first year to "test the waters", we kept the party pretty small, but we still were so pleased with the outcome!

We invited a bunch of our closest friends and, luckily, my friend Sam Ryan was in town and so she and Nick were able to come too! We spent the night eating Halloween-themed treats, having a pumpkin carving contest and watching a scary movie. We loved seeing all of our friends fun costumes. This year, Kline and I dressed up as Bob Ross and a Happy Tree. We can't wait to continue this tradition for years to come.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

If You Were a Pumpkin, I'd Pick You

Kline and I spent one of our Saturdays visiting our local pumpkin patch. I LOVE pumpkin patches and so I was absolutely ecstatic to go. Kline definitely took a little convincing, but I think he ended up liking it at the end. We enjoyed the pools filled with corn, picking our very own pumpkins, taking cute pictures and watching the beautiful sunset.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Pizza is Rad

I first saw the Aquabats at a concert on Center St. in Provo the first month Kline and I were dating. We brought my brother Hunter with us, since he was in town then, and we just had an absolute blast. It is one of my favorite memories from when we were dating.

So, Kline found out that the Aquabats were coming to Salt Lake and decided that it would be a fun idea to surprise me with tickets for our "second month married anniversary". Except for I actually ruined the surprise because I found the tickets by accident one day. Whoops. Either way, it was a super fun concert and we ended up bringing our friends Briton and Aspen with us too.

Saturday, September 30, 2017

{Fall}ing in Love

In case you didn't know, Fall is my most favorite season! I LOVE the changing leaves, the crisp air, sweaters, pumpkin-flavored everything, hayrides, scary movies, Halloween. I could go on forever! Another one of my very favorite things is October General Conference. There is really nothing better than curling up in a blanket with my journal and hot chocolate to hear the talks of the great individuals of our church. This year, we snuggle in our new apartment and watched these faithful people speak. After the Saturday Morning session ended, Kline suggested that we go for a scenic drive and I was SO glad that he did. We spent the rest of the morning driving through Provo Canyon past the most beautiful color-changing trees I've ever seen. We ended up missing the afternoon session of Conference because we lost track of time while enjoying the scenery and taking many pictures. This weekend just proved to me even more that I am in love with Fall. And my cute husband.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

LDS Womens Broadcast

My Mother-in-Law invited me to attend the LDS Womens Broadcast in Salt Lake City for the October 2017 General Conference. I was so excited to go with her and my sister-in-law! It was super cold and rainy, but luckily we were prepared with umbrellas. We had a total blast -- the talks were amazing, we had yummy Kneaders for dinner and just loved spending the time talking with each other.